Bandeau perception & comportement, Freepik
Perception & behavior

Perception & behavior

Behavior and perception by various actors: the different visions of risk

Challenges of this axis:

  • Adapting methods for assessing perceptions and preferences to multiple risks
  • Exploiting long-term historical data to reconstruct and contextualize chronologies of multiple or cascading risks
  • Mobilizing geography and political science as interdisciplinary integrators
  • Extending the perception and behavior component found in benefit-risk and cost-benefit analyses to multi-risk scenarios

In this folder

Bois attaqué par des scolytes © Freepik

The ability of forests to provide a wide range of ecosystem services is being challenged in the current context of climate change, which involves an increase in interlocking regimes of natural and human-induced disturbances

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To limit the negative impacts of the specialization of agricultural systems and the intensification of practices, studies are being carried out on the reconnection between animal and plant production on a territorial scale.

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While it is urgent to move towards sustainable patterns of production and consumption, rapid transformations can have profound social, economic, political, institutional and cultural consequences.

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The management of a health risk (whether pandemic, epizootic or epiphytic) reveals, at the level of the actors involved in these situations, a complex world made up of multiple, closely interrelated risks, whether health-related (e.g. the impact of the Covid crisis on the management of other risks) or not (loss of markets, biodiversity, organizational and political risks, etc.).