Bandeau cartographie des risques, pexels et freepik modifié Comscience
Risk mapping

Risk mapping

Making connections between different types of risk

Challenges of this axis:

  • Build a common conceptual framework for representing multiple interconnected risks and uncertainties
  • Manage knowledge gaps concerning hazards, vulnerabilities and exposures in the multi-risk field
  • Combine qualitative and quantitative methods

In this folder

Feu de fôret du à la secheresse © Freepik

In France, 2022 was marked by an exceptional drought, followed by severe low-water levels in rivers starting in spring, and major forest fires in areas not usually affected in summer.

Warm Winter Risk, Xrisques © Tom Fisk, Pexels

Climate change is gradually leading to the emergence of new types of risk for European agriculture.

SMARTIES © Oleksandr P, Pexels

Drought episodes limit the performance of trees and can lead to tree mortality.

SESRISKS © Tim Mossholder, Pexels

While it is urgent to move towards sustainable patterns of production and consumption, rapid transformations can have profound social, economic, political, institutional and cultural consequences.

Représentation graphiques Xrisques

The concept of risk has different meanings, and has led to a renewed need for glossaries. Recently, a multitude of new terms has accompanied the emergence of multiple risks, and yet the question of whether risk and multi-risk(s) are really different – or even necessary – concepts has not been settled.

COOPIX Xrisques © wirestock, Freepik

Agricultural issues are particularly affected by climate change, but also by other societal and economic changes (changing consumer demand, environmental standards, changing input costs), requiring adaptation, transition and even transformation.