Bandeau-vulnérabilité-des-systèmes, pexel-bixabay
System vulnerability

System vulnerability

Better understanding the vulnerability of systems and populations

Challenges of this axis:

  • Measure the vulnerability, resilience, resistance and adaptive capacity of ecosystems or agrosystems, and of certain territories
  • Assess the vulnerability of various population categories at different scales
  • Apply benefit-risk analyses to the issue of multiple risks
  • Analyze the drivers and constraints associated with a management system adapted to multi-risk situations

In this folder

Warm Winter Risk, Xrisques © Tom Fisk, Pexels

Climate change is gradually leading to the emergence of new types of risk for European agriculture.

SESRISKS © Tim Mossholder, Pexels

While it is urgent to move towards sustainable patterns of production and consumption, rapid transformations can have profound social, economic, political, institutional and cultural consequences.

Fôret de pin maritime

The forest-wood sector employs over 50,000 people in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, with total revenue generated by companies in the field close to 10 billion euros, the highest of any French region (Agreste 2015 figures).

COOPIX Xrisques © wirestock, Freepik

Agricultural issues are particularly affected by climate change, but also by other societal and economic changes (changing consumer demand, environmental standards, changing input costs), requiring adaptation, transition and even transformation.

Virus microscopie COCOTS

The management of a health risk (whether pandemic, epizootic or epiphytic) reveals, at the level of the actors involved in these situations, a complex world made up of multiple, closely interrelated risks, whether health-related (e.g. the impact of the Covid crisis on the management of other risks) or not (loss of markets, biodiversity, organizational and political risks, etc.).