Bandeau transition & risque émergents, Freepik
Transition & emerging risks

Transition & emerging risks

Specific risks associated with managing transitions

Challenges of this axis:

  • Modeling the propagation of risks and uncertainty in dynamic, complex and multi-risk systems, including in non-stationary contexts
  • Methods for producing future projections of different risk components on a local or global scale
  • Coupling the transition paths of specific territorial dynamics with the integration of constraints linked to global changes

In this folder

Bois attaqué par des scolytes © Freepik

The ability of forests to provide a wide range of ecosystem services is being challenged in the current context of climate change, which involves an increase in interlocking regimes of natural and human-induced disturbances

favoriser les services écosystémiques de régulation et améliorer la fertilité des sols © grmarc, Freepik

To limit the negative impacts of the specialization of agricultural systems and the intensification of practices, studies are being carried out on the reconnection between animal and plant production on a territorial scale.

COOPIX Xrisques © wirestock, Freepik

Agricultural issues are particularly affected by climate change, but also by other societal and economic changes (changing consumer demand, environmental standards, changing input costs), requiring adaptation, transition and even transformation.