Représentation graphiques Xrisques
Consortium RIMINI (2023 - 2024)

RIsks and Multi-rIsks: different coNcepts and formalIsms?

The concept of risk has different meanings, and has led to a renewed need for glossaries. Recently, a multitude of new terms has accompanied the emergence of multiple risks, and yet the question of whether risk and multi-risk(s) are really different – or even necessary – concepts has not been settled.

Context and challenges

Risk is a difficult concept that presents different interpretations, leading to a constantly renewed need for definitions and other glossaries to bridge the gap between communities/disciplines (e.g., Kermisch, 2012; Aven et al., 2018). Recently, a multitude of new terms has accompanied the emergence of the theme of multiple risks: multi-risks, cascades, dominos, compound events, interconnected risks, correlated risks, etc. (e.g., Curt, 2020). Work undertaken during the ARP Risques at INRAE (Caquet et al., 2020) has already led to a better understanding of the subtleties involved. However, the question of whether risk and multi-risk(s) are really different concepts, or even necessary, remains unresolved.


The aim of this project is to develop further thinking as part of an interdisciplinary consortium in the context of major and, if possible, environmental risks within the scope of INRAE.

The issues addressed are:

  • Risk measurement, which links the risk situation to its assessment;
  • The link between (multi-)risk(s), extreme events and extreme values;
  • The links between concepts of (multi-)risk(s) and systemic risk.

Ultimately, the aim is to produce an article in a major journal, in addition to formal developments and a consortium that can be reinvested in more ambitious projects.

Partenaires INRAE

INRAE departmentsExpertises
AQUARisk modeling – geosciences and climate science; Geohistory of risks, construction of risks
AQUADecision support – Systemic approaches – Modeling risk scenarios

See also


  • Aven, T., Ben-Haim, Y., Boje Andersen, H., Cox, T., Droguett, E. L., Greenberg, M., ... & Thompson, K.M. (2018, August). Society for risk analysis glossary. In Society for Risk Analysis.
  • Caquet T., Naaim M., Rigolot E., Eckert N., Allard D., Erdelenbruch K., Garric J., Gohin A., Lang M., Marette S., Membré J.-M., Mougin C., Reynaud A., Sabatier R. (2020). Réflexion prospective sur les risques naturels, sanitaires et environnementaux – Rapport de synthèse,
  • Curt C. (2020). Multirisk: what trends in recent works?–A bibliometric analysis. Science of The Total
    Environment, 142951.
  • • Kermisch C. (2012). Vers une définition multidimensionnelle du risque. VertigO – la revue électronique en
    sciences de l'environnement, 12.