SMARTIES © Oleksandr P, Pexels
Exploratory project SMARTIES (2023 - 2025)

Sentinel-2 to Map forested Areas Affected by fire and drought Risks from Time series ImagES

Drought episodes limit the performance of trees and can lead to tree mortality.

Context and challenges

This hydric stress also reduces the water content of vegetation, leading to a cascading increase in fire risk. These two hazards have long-term consequences for the dynamics of forest ecosystems and the services they provide, and it is therefore crucial to be able to map their spatio-temporal evolution. Forest exposure to fire and drought hazards is associated with changes in the optical properties of vegetation, which can be detected by optical satellites, thus enabling impacted areas to be mapped. However, the construction and thresholding of the spectral indices used to detect an anomaly in the signal measured by the satellite remains difficult. 


The SMARTIES project will seek to develop and test innovative remote sensing approaches to: 

  1.  identify burned pixels in order to refine the estimation of fire contours, impacted surfaces and damage severity;
  2. explore the temporal monitoring of biophysical indicators such as vegetation water content and fuel moisture content (FMC);
  3. use the spatio-temporal correspondence of drought/fire data resulting from these approaches to improve predictive models of occurrence and burned areas.

INRAE structures

INRAE departmentsExpertise
ECODIVRemote sensing of fire risk, Ecophysiology of drought
ECODIVFire risk modeling, fuel water content,
Remote sensing of water status, Ecophysiology of water network
ACTRemote sensing, Harmonic models
MATHNUMRemote sensing, Radiative transfer


Non-INRAE partners

ONFRemote sensing of fires – Operational, Fire risk – Operational