Bandeau Xrisque © Pexels
Exploratory projects

Exploratory projects

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Warm Winter Risk, Xrisques © Tom Fisk, Pexels

Climate change is gradually leading to the emergence of new types of risk for European agriculture.

SMARTIES © Oleksandr P, Pexels

Drought episodes limit the performance of trees and can lead to tree mortality.

SESRISKS © Tim Mossholder, Pexels

While it is urgent to move towards sustainable patterns of production and consumption, rapid transformations can have profound social, economic, political, institutional and cultural consequences.

Fôret de pin maritime

The forest-wood sector employs over 50,000 people in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, with total revenue generated by companies in the field close to 10 billion euros, the highest of any French region (Agreste 2015 figures).